Behind the Scenes: How We Built Our Brand on Social Media From Scratch

Behind the Scenes: How We Built Our Brand on Social Media..

At Orion Digital, a premier digital marketing agency, we understand the power of social media in today’s social media era. When we started our journey, we were just like any other business – eager to establish our brand and connect with our target audience. However, building a strong social media presence from scratch was not easy for us. 

In this BTS, we’ll share the strategies and tactics that helped us create a strong online community and build our brand as a thought leader in the industry.

Starting from Square One

Like most businesses, we initially had no followers, no engagement, and no online presence. We knew that building a brand on social media would require a combination of strategic planning, consistent effort, and a deep understanding of our target audience.

Our first step was to define our brand’s personality and tone. We wanted to be perceived as experts in our field while maintaining a friendly, approachable demeanor (behavior). This meant striking a balance between sharing valuable insights and engaging in lighthearted conversations with our audience.

Choosing the Right Platforms

With so many social media platforms available, it was crucial to identify the ones that aligned with our target audience and business goals. After conducting thorough market research, we decided to focus our efforts on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram.

LinkedIn was a natural choice for us, as it allowed us to connect with professionals in our industry and share thought leadership content. Twitter, on the other hand, provides a platform for real-time engagement and industry conversations, making it an excellent channel for networking and staying up-to-date with the latest trends.

Instagram, while not a traditional platform for B2B marketing, presented an opportunity for us to showcase our brand’s personality and company culture. We recognized the importance of humanizing our brand and connecting with our audience on a more personal level.

Creating a Content Strategy

With our platforms selected, we turned our attention to developing a content strategy that would resonate with our target audience. We knew that consistently providing value through our content was key to building trust and authority.

To ensure a steady flow of engaging and relevant content, we established a content calendar that incorporated a mix of educational resources, industry news, thought leadership pieces, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into our company culture.

Our blog became the cornerstone of our content strategy, serving as a hub for in-depth articles, case studies, and expert insights. We leveraged social media to amplify our blog content, driving traffic and increasing our online visibility.

Engaging with the Community

Building a brand on social media is not a one-way street. We understood the importance of actively engaging with our audience and fostering a sense of community. From responding to comments and mentions to participating in industry discussions, we made it a priority to interact with our followers regularly.

This level of engagement not only helped us build stronger relationships with our audience but also provided valuable insights into their needs and pain points. By listening to their feedback and addressing their concerns, we were able to tailor our content and services to better meet their requirements.

Leveraging Influencer Partnerships

Recognizing the power of influencer marketing, we sought out strategic partnerships with industry-thought leaders and social media influencers. These collaborations allowed us to tap into new audiences and add credibility to our brand.

We carefully vetted potential influencer partners, ensuring that their values and messaging aligned with our brand. By collaborating on co-branded content, guest appearances, and cross-promotions, we were able to expand our reach and reinforce our position as a trusted authority in the digital marketing space.

Measuring and Optimizing

Building a brand on social media is an ongoing process that requires continuous measurement and optimization. We closely monitored our social media metrics, including engagement rates, follower growth, and website traffic from social channels.

By analyzing this data, we were able to identify what resonated with our audience and what needed improvement. For example, we noticed that our audience engaged more with visually appealing content, such as infographics and videos. In response, we adjusted our content strategy to incorporate more visual elements, resulting in a significant increase in engagement and shares.

Additionally, we leveraged social media advertising to amplify our reach and target specific segments of our audience. Through strategic ad campaigns, we were able to drive traffic to our website, generate leads, and ultimately, convert followers into customers.

The Results

Over the past few years, we’ve witnessed remarkable growth in our online presence and audience engagement.

According to Statista, “The average engagement rate across industries on Instagram is 0.65% (as of November 2022).” 

We’re proud to say that our engagement rate on Instagram consistently exceeds X%, a testament to the strong connection we’ve built with our followers.

On LinkedIn, where we share thought leadership content and industry insights, our posts regularly receive hundreds of likes, comments, and shares. Our LinkedIn following has grown by an impressive X% year-over-year, indicating the trust and authority we’ve established within our professional network.

But perhaps the most significant achievement is the tangible business impact our social media efforts have had. Social media has become a significant source of website traffic and lead generation for our company. According to our internal data, social media accounts for nearly X% of our total website traffic and has directly contributed to numerous client acquisitions.

Final Thoughts

With the right strategies and unwavering commitment, it is possible to achieve remarkable success. At Orion Digital, we’ve proven that by consistently providing value, engaging with our community, and leveraging strategic partnerships, we can establish a strong online presence and position ourselves as thought leaders in the industry.

We remain committed to staying true to our brand’s personality, adapting to the latest trends, and delivering exceptional value to our audience. Because at the end of the day, our success is intrinsically tied to the relationships we’ve built and the trust we’ve earned from our online community.